Steven Rogelberg, PhD
Dr. Steven G. Rogelberg holds the title of Chancellor’s Professor at UNC Charlotte for distinguished national, international and interdisciplinary contributions. He has over 100 publications addressing issues such as meetings at work, team effectiveness, leadership, employee engagement, and organizational research methods. His research was profiled on Public Television, Radio (e.g., NPR, CBC, CBS), Newspapers (e.g., Chicago Tribune; LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, London Guardian) and Magazines (e.g., National Geographic, Scientific American Mind). Other awards and honors include being the inaugural winner of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Humanitarian Award, receiving the SIOP Distinguished Service Award, the Psi Chi Professor of the Year Award and the Master Teacher Award. He is the Editor of the Journal of Business and Psychology and the Talent Management Essentials book series. Companies for whom he has provided consulting services include: IBM, Family Dollar, Grace Cocoa, Vulcan Materials, VF Corporation, Lonza, TIAA CREF, Procter & Gamble, Brush Wellman, Marathon Ashland Petroleum, Siemens, Gilbarco, and North Highland. He founded and currently directs two large outreach initiatives focusing on nonprofit organization health and effectiveness. Over 200 nonprofits have been served. He has been a visiting scholar and guest speaker at universities and professional associations around the world including: Reykjavik University (Iceland), Hong Kong Baptist University, Peking University (China), The University of Sheffield (England), The University of Zurich (Switzerland), The University of Tel Aviv (Israel), Technion University (Israel), Concordia University (Canada), the University of Vienna (Austria), the University of Mannheim (Germany), BI Norwegian Business School (Norway), and Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium).